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    They say everybody has a book in them and for local author Lyn Pickup her inspiration came when she saw a Loggerhead sea turtle laying a clutch of eggs on the beach at night whilst on holiday on the Greek Island of Zakynthos.

    Lyn got to thinking of the dangerous journey that lay ahead for the baby turtles once they hatched and how they would fare on their own in the sea.

    " I have to say the beaches and sea around Zakynthos are pristine with no or very little sign of pollution but I have seen how polluted our sea's can be with discarded plastics etc and so I decided to write a children's book with the lead character, Nico based on a young boy we would see at the beach bar"

    This delightful and easy to read book tells the story of how Nico and his friend Timmy the Turtles day out on the beach turns into a rescue mission when they see their friends the starfish, the dolphin and Swirly the seahorse who have all become trapped in discarded plastic objects.

    Not only is it a fun read but also educational as all good children's books should be warning of the dangers of polluting our seas and the need to save our planet.

     Wonderfully illustrated by Niki Lau it would make a great holiday read for a child aged between four and seven and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and would recommend it highly.

    Lyn stressed to me that the purpose of the book is not to make money but for it to be an educational and enjoyable read, which it is and I applaud her for that.

    The mantra being..."Don't throw plastics in the sea...keep it clean for you and me"

    The book is available to read in various formats and available from Amazon by following this link below:



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