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Posthumous PhD for talented Salford University researcher

By Carl Davison

Joe Pemberton - Posthumous PHD
Joe Pemberton - Posthumous PHD

Dr Joe Pemberton, who sadly passed away last year, was awarded his posthumous PhD at this summer’s graduation.

Joe, who was an iPhD candidate, was undertaking work in a partnership between the Energy House Labs at the University and local company Farrat. His work explored the impact of thermal break technology on improving the energy performance of buildings. Joe’s mum, Sarah collected the award, supported by her son Sam and Sam’s girlfriend Jess.

Richard Fitton, Joe’s supervisor said:

“Joe was very much part of the team at Energy House Labs, and he is very much missed by all the team. It was great we were able to recognise the excellent work he had done. He passed away shortly before submitting his thesis, which was all but complete, so to be able to do this as a university was important for Joe’s family.”

Joe was continuing the work with Farrat through a KTP. Chris Liter from Farrat said:

“Joe had become a colleague and friend to all at Farrat, pushing our development with his knowledge and enthusiasm for his subject. We miss him, but his memory and influence stays with us every day.”

The supervisory team worked hard to get the PhD examined over the last few months and they are grateful to the examiners for their help. Being able to celebrate Joe’s achievements with his family at graduation shows the best of the university community and its partners.

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Posthumous PhD for talented Salford University researcher | Salford Media