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Know Your Numbers! Salford with FREE Blood Pressure Checks for the ‘Silent Killer’ 

By Carl Davison

Blood Pressure UK
Blood Pressure UK

Residents of Salford are being encouraged to Know Their Blood Pressure Numbers during July and August as part of a FREE Greater Manchester-wide health awareness campaign being implemented across 33x Well Pharmacies (including Well Salford) by Kinetik Wellbeing and in partnership with national charity, Blood Pressure UK.

‘Know Your Numbers! Manchester’ will offer free blood pressure checks and advice to anyone who visits one of the participating Well Pharmacies this summer. As research by Blood Pressure UK revealed, a massive 57% of adults aged between 30–50 living in Manchester don’t know their current blood pressure numbers and could be living daily with undiagnosed blood pressure – increasing their chances of stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

With unhealthy lifestyles and poor diet contributing to more young people in their 30s, 40s and 50s being diagnosed with hypertension and around 1 in 3 people in the UK now living with high blood pressure, Kinetik Wellbeing, Blood Pressure UK and Well Pharmacy are urging all adults (of all ages) to make the time to check their blood pressure. 

Known as the ‘silent killer’ as there are often ‘no clues’ when it comes to high blood pressure, it is the single biggest preventable cause of death in the UK. Therefore, the more people who test themselves, the more chance they have of controlling it and avoid unnecessary premature death.

Whilst age is one of many factors in rising blood pressure as our vascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels, changes – it does not discriminate. That is why ALL adults of ALL ages need to Know Their Numbers!

Furthermore, research studies show that eating too much salt is also a major cause of high blood pressure, particularly the rise in blood pressure with age. As a nation, if we cut one gram of salt from our average daily salt intake, this would cause a fall in blood pressure and there would be approximately 6,000 fewer deaths from strokes and heart attacks each year in the UK. 

Blood Pressure UK’s ‘Top five tips for a healthy blood pressure’:

  • Cut down on salt – Reducing your salt intake it the quickest way to lower your blood pressure.  Don’t add it when cooking or at the table, avoid using stock cubes, gravy and soy sauce, check food labels and avoid processed foods high in salt – aim to eat less than 6g a day.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five different portions every day.
  • Watch your weight – try to reach the right weight for your height.
  • Exercise regularly – that doesn’t have to mean the gym, how about a regular lunchtime walk? 30 minutes five times a week is ideal. If you are unsure about taking up exercise, ask your GP.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation – up to 14 units a week for both men and women – a glass of wine or a pint of beer is 2-3 units

Amie Kendall, Head of Marketing at Kinetik Wellbeing says:

“Never has there been a better time to take control of your health by knowing your blood pressure numbers which, as evidence shows, can lead to a longer and healthier life. This exciting new initiative will not only help create more awareness locally, it will also empower and educate people so they can take proactive steps towards a healthier blood pressure.”

Phil Pyatt, CEO of Blood Pressure UK comments:

“We are proud to be supporting this massively important campaign as having your blood pressure checked is the most important step that you can take to reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack or heart failure. Given high blood pressure does not show any clear symptoms – hence being dubbed the ‘silent killer’ – all adults, regardless of their age, need to take control of their health by checking their blood pressure regularly.”

Ifti Khan, Pharmacy Superintendent at Well Pharmacy adds:

“We are delighted to be part of this crucial initiative. Offering free blood pressure checks is part of our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our communities. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to know their numbers and take proactive steps towards better health.”

To find out which participating Well Pharmacies are taking part, visit

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Know Your Numbers! Salford with FREE Blood Pressure Checks for the ‘Silent Killer’ | Salford Media