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Greater Manchester Poverty Action rebrands as Resolve Poverty

By Carl Davison

CEO Graham Whitham - Resolve Poverty
CEO Graham Whitham - Resolve Poverty

Greater Manchester Poverty Action has today rebranded to Resolve Poverty to signal its determination to tackle poverty in local areas and regions nationwide.  

The organisation, one of the UK’s leading voices on local responses to poverty, was founded in  2016 to reduce and prevent poverty in Greater Manchester.  

Since then, it has influenced councils and other public bodies to adopt anti-poverty strategies,  engaged in the design and delivery of local welfare provision, and developed programmes to help  families access financial support.  

As the organisation has grown, so too has its scope of work – beginning to advise and collaborate  on anti-poverty efforts in places beyond the city-region it calls home.  

The name change to Resolve Poverty marks a new chapter as the nonprofit now looks to support  local authorities and partners across the country to tackle poverty, as part of a national mission to  end it.  

The new name and refreshed brand reflect the organisation’s new strategy for 2024-28. This new  strategy focuses on helping local places and regions to tackle poverty and boost living standards in  their communities, as part of what Resolve Poverty CEO Graham Whitham hopes will be a new  national mission to end poverty.  

Graham Whitham, Chief Executive Officer at Resolve Poverty, said:

“Now is the right time for us  to expand our remit beyond the city-region and work with partners nationwide to tackle poverty. 

“We are excited about continuing our work in Greater Manchester, including through work with  Greater Manchester NHS and Bolton Council over the coming years. Through our Money Advice  Referral Tool and Money Matters programmes and the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign,  we continue to support people to access the benefits and support they need across the city-region.  

“We are also now ready to use our expertise to address poverty in a meaningful and sustainable way  across the country.

“It is clearer than ever that the UK needs a national plan to end poverty – but it’s also vital that local  government and partners have the knowledge and tools to reduce and prevent poverty locally to  the best of their ability. We’re excited to work with many more places to boost living standards and  help communities thrive, as we evolve to Resolve Poverty. 

“With the General Election taking place next week, we see this timing as a perfect opportunity to  send a clear message to whoever forms a new government on 5 July: the country urgently needs a  national mission to end poverty, driven by Westminster and delivered in localities. We are ready to  work with whichever party takes power to ensure we can resolve poverty in the UK permanently.”

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Greater Manchester Poverty Action rebrands as Resolve Poverty | Salford Media