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arrest made after balaclava wearing youths caused mayhem at salford shopping centre last month

By Carl Davison

Salford Shopping Precinct
Salford Shopping Precinct

Police in Salford have made an arrest following an evening of anti-social behaviour at Salford Precinct.

At approximately 18:30 on Monday 27th January, GMP received a report of anti-social behaviour on Salford Precinct. The report related to a group of approximately 20 youths wearing balaclavas running around Salford precinct. Officers attended and the group quickly dispersed from the area.

Of note, GMP only received one call regarding the incident, however it is suspected that several criminal offences took place.

Following the report, officers from the Salford Central Neighbourhood Team completed an extensive CCTV travel of the area. As a result, the following offences were identified.

Criminal damage to shop signage, theft of fire extinguishers, shoplifting, assaults on members of the public with the fire extinguishers, youths interfering with and jumping on vehicles, theft of items from a grocery shop which were then used as missiles to throw at buses, and bins set on fire in the area.

The majority of these criminal offences had not been reported to GMP.

All victims relating to these crimes were then identified and contacted. The appropriate crime reports were submitted. Following close work with Salford Council and other partners, an extensive joint piece of work was undertaken to identify the offenders involved.

As a result of these enquires, the 3 main offenders linked to the above crimes were identified. One offender has been arrested and two others have been dealt with via voluntary interview. All offenders have made full admissions to the crimes. They have been referred to youth offending services for intervention work. They have also been formally banned from Salford Precinct.

Salford Central Team 3 have proactively worked to deal with these incidents and progress the criminal investigations. This direct work has now significantly reduced ASB in and around Salford Precinct.

However it is clear that there is a significant lack of reporting in the area. Police are asking residents and the community to please report all incidents of ASB to GMP by the following methods. Tel:101 / GMP Online Report.

All reports can be made completely anonymously. There is no requirement to provide any personal information and all information provided is held in confidence and completely confidential.

You can also contact your local Neighbourhood Police Sergeant for Pendleton & Charlestown, PS 13490 Atherton, via email:

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arrest made after balaclava wearing youths caused mayhem at salford shopping centre last month | Salford Media