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that time an eccles man Was declared insane after cutting his aunts throat

By Tony Flynn


The following tragic story is from January 1924 and so as not to upset anyone after 100 years I have decided not to use the names of the people involved just local locations and with the help of Sue Tydd  we have searched for any living relatives to no avail.

On the evening of Thursday 10th January, P.C.s Stockdale and Turner were on duty outside The Crown Theatre, Liverpool Road when they were approached by a young man who told them he had just murdered his Aunt who lived on nearby Chadwick Road.

They accompanied him back to the property and found the front door locked and proceeded to break in through the kitchen window were they found the body of an elderly woman lying on the floor in a pool of blood with her throat cut, ear to ear. a Doctor was summoned but she was beyond help.

The man was taken to Green Lane police station for questioning  where he admitted killing her and in a rambling statement he said that:

“It was her or me and if I have done her in then I should get hanged.”

He was remanded in custody until the Monday morning to appear at Eccles Magistrates Court, were he was then remanded to Strangeways Prison to be under the strict observation of the Medical Officer to ascertain his sanity.

An inquest into the death was held at The Bridgewater Hotel, Patricroft under the supervision of Mr R. Stuart Rodger the Manchester District County Coroner where the Father of the accused gave evidence, he told the Inquest that his son had, had an unhappy marriage and lived in Southport before moving back to Eccles, he had a close relationship with his Aunt who doted on him and he would visit her regularly, however he would dwell on things and made himself ill with worry over imagined things after the failure of his marriage.

On the day of the murder the accused left work at his job in Ardwick where he worked at his Father’s company, he complained of stomach pains and asked to go home which was granted and he made his way to Eccles.

Flora Rogers a postmistress at 72 Liverpool Road, Eccles said she had known the deceased for 12 years and about 3.45pm on the Thursday she had  called in to purchase a postage stamp and had a chat with her for about 10 minutes and told her she felt a lot better than she had in a long time.

The police gave their evidence stating that the accused approached them on Liverpool Road and told them he had killed his Aunt, they went to the house, found the body and he was arrested and remains in custody.

The following week he was brought from Strangeways Prison in a taxi cab under police escort to Eccles Magistrates Court were several people including a photographer who took photos of the murder scene gave evidence and spoke off the horrific scene in the kitchen. far too distressing to publish,

Detective Sergeant Dunbar questioned the accused at Green Lane police station who told him that he had ruined his family by killing his Aunt and admitted that he had carried around with him for a week a razor with the intention of cutting his own throat but couldn’t pluck up the courage to do it and so tried it out on someone else…but couldn’t remember doing it to his Aunt.

Dr Alexander Sturrock a Physician and Neurologist to Salford Royal Hospital told the Court that he had examined the accused three times once at the police station and twice at Strangeways and had formed the opinion that he was of an unsound mind.

A date was set for him to tried at the next Manchester Assizes Court to stand trial for Wilful Murder.

The court after hearing evidence from his family, police, several doctors including Dr Alexander Sturrock the jury gave the verdict that he was insane and could not be tried and that he should be detained at His Majesty’s Pleasure.

A sad and disturbing story my theory is that due to his failed marriage which was quite a messy affair and made the local newspapers, had preyed on his mind and he had decided to commit suicide and by murdering his Aunt he would be hung as some form of bizarre punishment, a very troubled mind.

I came across much, more evidence thanks to Sue Tydd which raises even more questions about the aftermath of this case…but not for me to disclose obviously as the family concerned have suffered enough, a truly sad and tragic case

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that time an eccles man Was declared insane after cutting his aunts throat - Salford Media