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Salford City Council Approve Major Funding Support for Salford Lads Club

By Carl Davison

Salford Lads Club
Salford Lads Club

Salford City Council has confirmed an agreement to provide significant funding to help support Salford Lads Club.

The decision will see £100k committed to the club with immediate effect to help the club keep its doors open, remain operating and providing essential support to local children and young people.

The funding package will consist of a £20k match funding contribution from the city’s Crowdfunder programme. The additional funding, up to £80k will be provided in the form of a grant from the City Council Revenue Budget.

The council has acknowledged not only the significance of Salford Lads Club as an iconic cultural venue for the city, but also its important role in supporting and shaping the lives of children and young people in the city. The decision to act fast and activate this package of support is a reflection of the vital work done by the club and its volunteers and the need to secure its future.

The support provided by the council will not just be financial. A further commitment has been agreed for council officers from across different departments to work more closely with the club to help ensure its survival. Salford City Council will also work closely with partners from across the city to garner further long term support for the club.

The council has recognised the important role of Manchester Evening News’ in raising awareness of the plight of the club and the creation of their Salford Lads and Girls Club Legacy Fund, to ensure the clubs future survival.

Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said:

“I’m delighted to be able to confirm this significant funding package for Salford Lads Club. Having worked closely with the club for many years, we are acutely aware of the current financial difficulties and the challenging operating times it faces. So, I’m pleased we have been able to act swiftly and provide this funding support now.

As a council, we are committed to creating a fairer, greener, healthier and more inclusive city for all and this includes working with organisations and institutions such as Salford Lads Club, who can help us achieve this goal.

What better recipient of this support is there than an institution that wholly embodies the true Spirt of Salford? An institution that has been there, providing, support, guidance, activities and education, as well as being a safe haven for generations of Salfordians and a venue that has contributed to putting the city on a global stage.

There will be people around the world who are only aware of Salford, because of the Lads Club, via the lens of the famous Smiths photograph. So it is only right that the council provides this much need funding now and a commitment to support in the future.

The council has a history of making positive steps to invest in the city’s sport, heritage and culture. This decision follows previous commitments to purchase the Salford Community Stadium, investment in sporting facilities and positioning the city as a culture hotspot through the funding of The Lowry, the BBC Philharmonic and RHS Bridgewater.

I’d also urge those who have benefitted from the great work of the club over the years and anyone who is able to donate, to contribute to the Manchester Evening News’ Salford Lads and Girls Club Legacy Fund, to further support the clubs future survival.”

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Salford City Council Approve Major Funding Support for Salford Lads Club | Salford Media